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Thank you so much for visiting my blog! Here you will find what goes on in my everyday life. Whether it be the challenges of being a full-time student, my adventures of being a new wife and mommy or just the random blurbs I sometimes have in between. I hope you enjoy reading this and don't forget to subscribe! :)

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Today has been such a wonderful day! I picked up some much needed hours at work and then came home and spent the day with my baby girl. Eric had to work tonight so it's just been the two of us. Abigail is growing so fast and she is showing off her personality more and more. She is so cute and funny, but then again aren't most babies and toddlers?

Abigail had corn for the first time tonight. She didn't like it at first, but after the first few bites she was loving it!

I'm not sure why it sounds like that :(

I started my workout plan finally. I am going to be walking on the treadmill every day for 30 minutes a day. the treadmill has an incline too so that will help. Also, I will be doing some crunches every day. I am changing my eating habits as well. I hate to say it but- GOODBYE JUNK-FOOD! My goal is to lose 30 pounds by Christmas and I know I can do it. :)

I don't really have much to update on. These past few days have been really uneventful haha.

Friday, September 3, 2010

She's Sick :(

Last night Abigail was very needy and crying even when she was being held/rocked. I figured she might be getting sick since Eric just got over something. And she is definitely sick. She is running a fever, and she is hoarse. It's so sad to hear her try and babble because she sounds awful. She is acting like she feels okay right now but I'm willing to bet that in the next thirty minutes or so that will probably change.

I really hope she will get over this pretty quick, I don't want her sick :(