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Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Miracles Really Do Happen

Today has been pretty productive for me and Abigail. We got my school stuff straightened out with the financial aid and we went to the library to get more books because we read the other ones like 3 times each. While we were in the library Abigail was being so quiet like she knew she wasn't allowed to be loud. She was looking at all the books as I held her in my arms just browsing in the kids section. We came home with around 10-12 books so that felt good.

But while I was checking out I had an interesting conversation with the librarian. She asked if I had any other kids at home and I told her no. I explained that Eric and I used to read to Abigail while she was in the womb even though it sounded weird to read aloud and that we still enjoy reading to her. She just smiled and asked me if I heard about the story of the little boy and his premature sister. I told her no and she shared it with me. I didn't know I was in for an emotional story but this librarian just started crying while she was telling it.  I'm going to tell the version she told me (much more dramatic than the true one, but still amazing) and I'm also going to give the link to the true story. The version the librarian told me only had like 2 differences but both stories end the same incredible way.

The librarian told me that there was this family who had a 4 year old preschooler and they were also expecting another baby, a baby girl. When the couple found out they would be having a second child the little boy was so happy and wanted to sing to her every night. So every night he would lean into his mother's tummy and sing "You are my sunshine, my only sunshine, you make me happy when skies are grey, you'll never know dear how much I love you, please don't take my sunshine away." Well, one day the family got into a pretty serious wreck where it affected the baby in the womb. The doctor's didn't think she would make it but they would try their hardest. Well the hospital had a rule where no one under a certain age could be in the NICU, so the little boy had not gotten to see his baby sister. It got to the point where the doctor's thought that the baby girl had less than 2 hours to live, and the parents were devastated. They didn't know how they were going to explain to the little boy that he wouldn't have a little sister anymore. The mother got fed up and told the father to go get the boy and let him see his baby sister just once. So the dad went to go get him and put him in scrubs and all and brought him into the NICU. There he saw his baby sister hooked up to all kinds of machines. He asked his mom if he could sing his favorite song to her and she told him of course. So he sang " You are my sunshine, my only sunshine, you make me happy when skies are grey. You'll never know dear how much I love you, Please don't take my sunshine away." At that moment all the monitors started going crazy and the baby girl opened her eyes and just became full of life. She was a miracle, and continued to live.

At this point I was listening so intently and just amazed by the story. The librarian had tears just streaming all down her face, Witnessing how this one story had affected her, I knew I had to look it up when I got home. So below is the link to the true story.  I encourage everyone to read it.

A Mother's Day Miracle

It has been another wonderful day and I am truly blessed to have a healthy happy baby that I love and adore.

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